The 2014 Racing season was a good one. We finally after many years committed to running a full series. The series is the Championship Enduro Series with two races at Blackhawk, Grattan and Gingerman. Both my brother and I ran each race. I'm on a 2012 Merlin MR32 with a JWR Maxter and Todd is on a 2008 CRG Road Rebel with a JWR Maxter. The year went very well. Well better for my brother Todd who won the Championship. He Won 5 races and 2 seconds in the process. My year was also good. I came in 3rd in the points with a Second, 4 Thirds, a fourths and on DNF. I was just off the pace of Todd and Randy Pierson, I could put in the the fast laps but just didn't have the consistency during the full race to stay with them both. But congrats to my brother for winning the championship. We had a ton of fun and the racing was great. I think as much fun as the racing is the road trips are just as fun. The people that put on the series and race in it are a blast. Will do the series next year. I will be on a CRG and as Todd upgraded his CRG chassis and purchased a basically new Maxter.
So I've always wanted to put an older Trackmagic Kart in my garage somehow and hang it. I wanted it to look like the golden years of Trackmagic in that 99-01 range. So I just so happened to have an extra 1999 chassis I could use which is in decent shape. So I got some new bodywork and added the correct stickers I had. The number plate is the SKUSA championship plate from Bobby Wilson. I bought his kart a few years ago but sold it but I kept the plate. So whats next? Hang it on the ceiling. My wife could not understand what I was doing but I think it looks cool. I still would like to replace the 99 frame with a 2000 or 01 frame and make the frame bare just like a lot of the factory chassis where run. So more work to do but its good enough to get hung up.
My Son Sam did his first race this year at Spring Creek MX park. After doing a lot of practicing he was ready to race. He raced a 2006 KTM 50 mini adventure. The cool part was he won both his first two motos. First race he was in second just a bit behind first but on the last lap first place fell and Sam won. The second race was playing out the same way but on the last corner of the last lap Sam made an awesome pass for the win. It was fantastic to see and will always be one of my greatest memories. Now he is on to the next bike which is a 2010 KTM 50 SR SX. He will be in the 7-8 year old class next year which is the most competitive class. 2015 is going to be fun.
1999 Trackmagic Project. Got this kart off of Ekartingnews and had it shipped from St. Louis. It has been sitting a long time but was in crazy nice shape. After cleaning it up and getting some new bodywork it turned out to look fantastic.